
Follow along these tutorials using api.video

Dive into our collection of tutorials, from learning on how to use api.video, building clones, to quick integrations. Whether you're a getting started or already building video-centric products, check our step-by-step guides.

api.video blog tutorials


View out my window

Tutorials · 6 min read

Video streaming with a Raspberry Pi

At the birth of the internet, we had webcams that took a picture every x minutes. Now, anyone can set up a live stream of video - with just a camera and a network connection. This kicks off a series of posts experimenting with live streaming video. In this post, we'll use a Raspberry Pi.

Doug Sillars · December 29, 2020

Delegated token

Tutorials · 9 min read

Private video upload with a public token

Public (delegated) tokens allow for video upload without authentication. In this post we'll create a single use public token, and use it to create private, non-downloadable videos.

Doug Sillars · December 17, 2020

api.video and Discord

Tutorials · 3 min read

Upload a video: Discord

Extending the "upload a video" HTML page to send the video to Discord.

Doug Sillars · November 30, 2020

big red button

Tutorials · 2 min read

Video deletion: Learn how to delete a video from your account

Sometimes, it is necessary to say goodbye. In this post, we walk through the steps required to delete a video from your api.video account.

Doug Sillars · November 23, 2020

video content, machine learning, moderator, AI moderator

Tutorials · 9 min read

Video moderation with machine learning

Are you losing sleep thinking about the videos your customers are uploading to your site? In this post, we'll walk through a demo application that incorporates video moderation with AI, enabling you to categorise all uploaded content, and only display the content that is appropriate for your customers.

Doug Sillars · November 13, 2020

A dog and a cat

Tutorials · 3 min read

Dynamic metadata: use variables in the metadata tag to segment your audience

You can use variables in the video metadata tag to segment your audience and track usage-based data on different audience metrics. In this post, we segment a video based on whether the viewer is a cat or a dog lover.

Doug Sillars · October 13, 2020

an abacus

Tutorials · 6 min read

Video analytics: A primer

Video analytics: How often your video has been watched. Where your video has been watched. What time of device. api.video provides all of that information. But did you know that you can dig deeper? With session based data, you can see how much of the video was watched, when it was paused, and even if your users skip ahead (or skip backwards).

Doug Sillars · October 12, 2020

Uploading large files with JavaScript

Tutorials · 9 min read

Uploading large files with JavaScript: File.slice() to the rescue!

Have you ever experienced a “file too large” error when uploading a file? With just a few lines of JavaScript, we can ensure that this error goes away for our customers.

Doug Sillars · September 24, 2020

Delegated video upload

Tutorials · 3 min read

Delegated uploads: Make video uploads with a token you create

Sometimes, it is desirable to allow users to upload videos into api.video. If using your private API key is not possible, you can use the delegated upload option. Learn how in this post!

Doug Sillars · September 16, 2020

Private video

Tutorials · 3 min read

Creating private videos

There are videos that you want to share with the whole world, but for other videos, you might want to restrict the audience to just a handful of people, or maybe even just one person. In this tutorial, we'll use the private video token to ensure that each view can only be watched in a unique session, and cannot be shared.

Doug Sillars · September 7, 2020