Video trends · 7 min read

7 things AI can do for your videos

8 things AI can do for your videos

Learn 8 ways in which AI can be your friend in need while curating and delivering good-quality video content.

Arushi Gupta

July 22, 2024

Have you ever wondered how much time and effort goes into creating a YouTube video that you enjoy so comfortably on your screen?


Producing a good-quality video, however short it maybe, involves three key stages.

Pre-production, that involves scripting, planning and scheduling the shoot. Production, that involves shooting content. Post-production, where everything comes together and is edited to form a finished video.


With all these three stages requiring substantial effort, video production overall becomes resource-intensive and comes with its set of challenges. So much so, that you might find yourself wishing to delegate some of your tasks to ‘someone’ who can help lighten your workload.


AI is that dependable, affordable ‘someone’ for you.


With the rise of OpenAI’s ChatGPT and DALL-E, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a powerful tool for assisting humans in various tasks. AI can help with everything from writing simple essays to performing complex scientific calculations and aiding in medical science. It analyzes data, recognizes patterns, and gives results based on the information it processes. How can it help you create and distribute your videos? Let's find out.


Pre-production is a time-consuming process that requires working on aspects like ideating, scripting and planning the production schedule. AI tools are at our disposal to push our boundaries of creativity and help us when we feel stuck. Let’s see how some AI tools can help you in the pre-production stage.

1. Creating a script

You know about that maddening moment when your brain decides to play hide and seek with ideas, leaving you staring at a blank page for hours – the writer’s block.


AI tools can be very useful in overcoming the writer’s block by offering a basic structure for plotlines and dialogues through an AI script. They can also assist in refining your existing work and suggesting improvements. Virtual assistants and chatbots like ChatGPT, AI video script generators and other AI programs like are great examples of AI tools that help you move past the writer’s block and save some of your precious time!

2. Creating avatars and creative assets

Ever considered using AI avatars to connect with your audience in a unique way? Creating avatars can be time-consuming, but their visual appeal elevates your videos to a whole new level. AI avatar creation is becoming increasingly popular nowadays because of the convenience it offers to people who are not ready to face the camera. These avatar creation tools generate realistic or stylized digital representations of people. The appearance, clothing, and background of these avatars are left at the users' discretion to modify as per his/her choice.


Canva, a graphic design platform, has recently launched AI avatars to create avatars from your prompts. HeyGen, another AI video generator, is a great tool that creates unbelievably realistic video avatars for you as soon as you feed a prompt into it.

3. Creating background music and voice overs

Producing and sourcing suitable music for your videos is a lengthy process. With AI background music tools, you can create background music without the need of expensive studios and artists. These advanced tools can compose music tailored to specific moods, themes, or scenes, saving time and ensuring a perfect match for the content. With intuitive interfaces and customization options, these tools empower you to create professional-quality music without needing extensive musical knowledge.


A few good AI music creation tools are Mubert, and Soundraw.


The phase of post production generally includes putting together the raw footage, selecting the most appropriate scenes, editing them, adding subtitles and making the final video ready for distribution. What happens post production is also a creative process.


On an average, it takes around 30 minutes to an hour of editing time to arrive at one minute of the finished video!


With the help of AI tools however, you can outsource some aspects to AI video editor tools.

1. Scene detection

At the edit table, there is a lot of raw footage that might be several hours long and it is a cumbersome process to sift through it, not to forget the time it takes. By using machine learning, scene detection AI tools can recognize patterns and detect scenes within seconds, making your job far easier. These tools can differentiate between different types of scenes, such as dialogue-heavy sections, action sequences, or location changes, providing a detailed breakdown of the video's structure. They can also help in creating dynamic highlights, summaries, or trailers by identifying the most impactful or representative scenes.


The simplest example of AI detection is your smartphone using AI to sort your photographs in the gallery on the basis of nature, buildings, seas, and also recognising faces of your family members and friends.


Learn how to add AI face detection to your videos using React.

2. Video editing

AI can also help you by enhancing your creativity and suggesting edits to create a more engaging video. These AI video editing tools learn, adapt and make editing long-form videos easier and less time-consuming. They are able to choose the best shots and angles, stabilize the videos and eliminate any awkward pauses. AI-powered video editing tools are best put to use to create time sensitive content for social media.


Some of the popular AI video editing tools are Runway, Wondershare Filmora, and Canva.

3. Transcription & translation

Have you noticed that some Instagram reels now come with auto-generated subtitles as you scroll through them? Even Netflix has most of its shows available in languages other than its primary language. Artificial Intelligence is making it possible for video content to be consumed globally, pushing the barriers of language differences and accents. Today, AI translators do a remarkable job at transcribing spoken language into written text and making it available in different languages.


Upload a video and see transcription and translation in action in this demo.

4. Summarization

AI summarization tools are reshaping how we digest information! By efficiently condensing lengths of video into concise, coherent summaries, these AI tools help you understand the crux of a detailed video. These tools are especially useful for podcasts and seminars, where the content can be lengthy and the audience may prefer not to watch the entire video.


Tools like NoteGPT and do a good job of summarizing video content accurately. is also a great choice if you want to integrate AI translation and summarization to your videos. If you use to host your videos, your videos get transcribed and translated to five different languages by default. Additionally, a summary of 100 words highlighting key takeaways is generated.

4. Distribution

Video content that goes live on social media has to be tailored according to the needs of social media. It has to be crisp and attractive to hold the attention of the viewers. AI tools can help by putting together the best clips for social media. For example, the AI tool Vizard creates compelling clips in various formats from a longer video. Alternatively, you can generate short clips using text prompts via tools like Krea and Genmo.

Last thoughts

The ways AI can be put to use are endless. It is definitely time-saving to use AI tools to reduce our workload. But towards the end of it all, AI is not capable of replacing the human mind. Unlike the human mind, which can conceive entirely new ideas, innovate spontaneously, and understand context in nuanced ways, AI is confined to what it has learned from prior information.


Remember that AI can always remain complementary to, rather than a substitute for, the unique and dynamic qualities of human cognition. Use it well, use it smartly! offers both video-on-demand and livestreaming for your videos up to 4K quality. Sign-up for a free sandbox account with us to try out our offerings and see them for yourself!

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